Public Transit Workers Gain Assault Protections in Mass. Budget
July 25, 2014
Boston Carmen’s Union ATU Local 589 Hails Passage of Language that Allows Police to Arrest Persons Suspected of Assaulting an MBTA Worker
Facing an increasing number of assaults on transit workers, including incidents from spitting to punching, the Boston Carmen’s Union ATU Local 589 hailed the passage of language in the state budget that will allow a more aggressive approach to protecting T workers.
The Union has been advocating for increasing the ability of police officers to arrest individuals who physically harass bus drivers, customer service agents and other MBTA workers. Language was added to the budget to give police officers the ability to arrest an individual who assaults a public employee while operating a public transit vehicle. Under current Massachusetts law, unless a transit officer actually sees the attack in progress, there’s little police can do except issue a summons and hope the suspect shows up in court.
State Senator Sal DiDomenico, who sponsored a bill (S.718) that contained similar language, had noted, “this important legislation will effectively give police officers another tool to combat crimes against MBTA workers”.
Assaults on MBTA bus drivers and other T workers have been increasing every year explains Local 589 President / Business Agent Jimmy O’Brien. “Public employees have the right to a safe workplace,” said O’Brien. “These assaults not only injure our members they also threaten passenger and public safety. Hitting a bus driver leaves a 3,000 pound projectile out of control”.
O’Brien noted that the MBTA Police website carries pictures of people who have assaulted T workers and said with the new law in place the Boston Carmen’s Union will be actively pushing for the arrest and prosecution of anyone who threatens or assaults a T worker.
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