
Let’s Show Joe We Have His Back!

February 7, 2020

Recognizing the need for a candidate who stands for working families, can beat Donald Trump, and restore civility and respect for the United States, our International Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) General Executive Board voted to endorse Joe Biden for President. The vote came after an extensive poll of ATU membership to evaluate the entire field of presidential candidates and the issues important to them.

“Joe Biden has been a true champion of working Americans throughout his career,” said ATU International President John A. Costa. “We know he will fight to rebuild the middle class by restoring the rights of Labor, advancing racial justice and equity, and bolstering our economy through unprecedented investment in public services like transit.

“During his more than 40 years in the United States Senate, and as Vice President during the most pro-transit Administration in history, Joe has proven through his actions – not just words – that he believes in the critical role public transit plays in boosting our economy, providing access to jobs and improving communities.

“Just a few days ago, the House Democrats unveiled a massive $760 billion infrastructure plan to rebuild our country and transportation systems. Joe Biden is the leader to pull this initiative across the finish line. He is also a strong supporter of the Transit Worker and Pedestrian Protection Act, critical legislation to protect transit workers from vicious attacks – a national epidemic.

“Known for his compassion for working families, he possesses an unwavering commitment for fighting for the right to collectively bargain to secure fair wages, health care and retirement security for all workers,” Costa continued.

“Joe has shown strong support for the issues that our members care about,” Costa said. “When our members – bus drivers in Northern Virginia – recently won an 84-day strike against a multinational private transit company, he said, ‘Selling off public services to private interests at the expense of workers and their communities should be a non-starter’.”
Joe has always had our backs. Let’s show him that we have his, too, by supporting him in the New Hampshire Primary on Tuesday, Feb. 11. If you are a resident of New Hampshire, be sure to vote for him and encourage your friends and family to do the same. If you are not a resident, head to Joe’s headquarters (83 Hanover St., Manchester, NH) on Saturday and/or Sunday to lend a hand. 

If you have questions, please call the union hall at (617) 542-8212.
In solidarity,
Executive Board
Boston Carmen’s Union, Local 589