Beloved MBTA driver, tour guide moving on to new role with the agency
June 23, 2019
Boston Globe | Lauren Fox | June 22, 2019

Ryan Collins was on the Green Line Tuesday afternoon when he heard a friendly, familiar voice crackling over the intercom. He decided to share his good fortune.
“He’s back at it again,” the 28-year-old texted a friend.
MBTA drivers aren’t generally a chatty bunch, at least on the job. But Tim Murphy was a light-rail raconteur, dispensing historical tidbits and witty commentary from North Station to Cleveland Circle and along the Mattapan Line.
“My job is pretty straight forward: It’s to get you from point A to point B as safely and as efficiently as possible,” he told riders as his train pulled into Boylston Street station. At 121 years old, it is the oldest subway station in North America, he informed riders.
“If I could teach you a few things, make you smile, brighten your day along the way, that’s just an added bonus.”
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