ATU’s 57th International Convention
September 4, 2013

Mass. Delegation to the ATU 57TH International Convention (from left to right): International Rep Stephan MacDougall, International Vice President Richard Murphy, Delegates Jose Cruz, Kevin Connolly, James Bradley, ATU International President Larry Hanley, Delegates John Clancy, Jim Evers, Antrynette “Tony” Hobbs, Peggy LaPaglia, Mary Young, Sergeant of Arms Ralph Norman, Delegates Denise Perry, Karen Maxwell, Paul Eid, Mike Keller and Allen Lee.
Setting a strategic vision for the future to raise standards and build power for transit workers to fight for more and better public transit, the Amalgamated Transit Union wrapped up it’s historic 57th convention in San Diego.
The 567 delegates voted to dramatically change the ATU structure to fight multi-national transit companies and passed funding measures to sustain these efforts. A series of resolutions to increase educational and training opportunities were also passed.
On Thursday delegates representing more than 192,000 ATU members also re-elected International President Larry Hanley and International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens. International Vice President Javier Perez was elected to ATU’s number two spot as International Executive Vice President.
“I am honored and humbled to be re-elected to lead a union of leaders and activists who make a difference in their communities,” said Hanley. “Our leaders recognized we face many challenges. Multi-national companies are trying to take over transit systems at the expense of workers and riders. Billionaires and their political stooges are attempting to destroy democracy, gut public services, marginalize workers and debilitate communities. Our delegates voted to make critical changes to restructure ATU to better arm locals both large and small to confront these battles.”
Throughout the convention the transit workers in attendance, including Local 589, learned about innovative community campaigns of ATU Locals, participated in extensive training workshops, and heard from notable speakers.
Click here to see photos of Local 589 members at the convention.
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